Hey body

A fortnightly email that teaches you how to meet your body, hear what it’s telling you and know how to help it when it needs it.

One tip. Once per fortnight.

Straight to your inbox.

Easy. Potentially life altering.

Totally free.


Hey body

Hey Body is a fortnightly email sent straight to your inbox containing 1 simple tip about hormones, periods, the cycle, fertility or general wellbeing.

All the good stuff you should have been taught in school.

The email will be brief, easy to read and most importantly – actionable!

In everything I create, I make sure that the info is valuable and that there is something practical and actionable that you can take away from it.

But don’t worry, it won’t be all dry and heartless.

I decided to create Hey Body as a way to genuinely connect with you and share my journey in an authentic way (away from social media!!!). So included in my emails will be the odd little update on my own health journey and a whole heap of love, straight from me to you.


Learn all the things you should have been taught in school.

Get to know your body for real.

Learn powerful self-care practices, all about supplements, get to know what your symptoms mean and what you can do about them.

Basically, understand this vessel you’ve been given, learn how to tend to it and go ahead and live your best life!



I’m Melissa Christie

I’m a PCOS fertility coach, author, co-host of The PCOS Girls Podcast (a top 1% podcast worldwide!), speaker, mum and a woman with PCOS and Hashimoto’s.

Me 7 years ago though? I was feeling seriously overwhelmed by my health.

I’d gained a bunch of weight, my cycle was super long, my chin, nose and forehead were covered in acne, my moods were OUT OF CONTROL (my husband and I seriously nearly broke up because of it) and worst of all…I miscarried our first baby. There was no more messing around, hoping for the best after that.

I needed to get organised.

And so through my grief, I trawled the internet, spoke to practitioners from all over the world, connected with my body (and actually came to love it) and found a whole community of women online who felt just like I did.

Eventually, I found the info and treatment I needed to heal. My weight started dropping, my cycle became regular, my acne cleared up, my moods stabilised and I conceived my son (and I now have a daughter as well, both conceived as soon as we began trying).

Healing my PCOS and boosting my fertility wasn’t about luck and it wasn’t because of some magical person who had some mystical “answer” to PCOS. I had built a knowledge base, learnt things that our doctors weren’t telling us, used that information to beeline my way to the treatment that would work for MY body and created tools that should have existed for us already. And I knew our PCOS community deserved better.

So I’ve been sharing everything I learnt and the ways I’ve approached my PCOS and fertility, ever since. And it turned out you guys needed this info and these tools just as much as I did!

Over the past 3 years, through my books, guides, podcast and social media, I have helped 1000’s of women achieve their goals like balancing their hormones, regulating their cycles and even conceiving their rainbow babies.

From the awful experience of miscarrying my first baby, my life has taken on new purpose and I’m SO grateful for that.

These days, my journey has lead me to have a broader understanding of health – from the thyroid to the gut to our adrenals, fertility and mental health and just try and stop me from sharing everything I’ve learnt with you 🙂

