Online PCOS
Fertility Coaching

with Melissa Christie

If having me in your corner as your fertility coach is something you’re genuinely interested in exploring – leave your details below to be the 1st to hear when I open up for clients!



What it would be like to have me as your fertility coach…

Fertility coaching is all about getting you from where you are to where you want to be.

My job is to help you uncover the steps you need to take to get there and to support you every step of the way.

Having me as your PCOS fertility coach will give you direction, support, insight, clarity and a plan.

Together we will prepare you for trying to conceive or if you’re already trying, we will figure out what is preventing you from your goal of getting pregnant or holding a pregnancy, who to see to get treatment and how you can integrate all of this into your life.

We will also work together to help you connect with your body and understand the messages it sends you every single day.

More than anything, you will have me in your corner – someone who has been there before, who genuinely cares and will listen to every detail of your situation and figure it all out with you.

Join my wait list below…

pcos natural fertility

What will we actually cover in our sessions…

Our sessions can lead wherever they need to go.

In saying that, there are certain areas I will always cover off whilst we work together:

  • If the driving factors (root causes) of your PCOS haven’t yet been determined, we will create a plan for figuring out what they are and how they can be managed.
  • If you don’t yet know what your hormonal imbalances are, we will create a plan for finding out and what to do once you know.
  • We will look at how you can ensure you’re addressing the 3 pillars of fertility
  • We will set you up to be using my two-angled approach to conceiving with PCOS (the approach that has enabled me to conceive my babies fast!)
  • We will focus in on the things you really want to work on and change and create an action plan for getting it done!
  • Most importantly – we will set in motion everything that needs to occur for us to get to the bottom of why you have been struggling to conceive. Or if you haven’t yet started trying, we will seek the info we need to ensure that when you do start trying, there will be nothing standing in your way.

Join my wait list below…

Melissa CHristie PCOS 101


I’m Melissa Christie

I’m a PCOS advocate, author, co-host of The PCOS Girls Podcast (a top 1% podcast worldwide!), speaker, PCOS workshop host, mum and a woman with PCOS.

Me 7 years ago though? I was feeling seriously overwhelmed by my PCOS.

I’d gained a bunch of weight, my cycle was super long, my chin, nose and forehead were covered in acne, my moods were OUT OF CONTROL (my husband and I seriously nearly broke up because of it) and worst of all…I miscarried our first baby. There was no more messing around, hoping for the best after that.

I needed to get organised.

And so through my grief, I trawled the internet, spoke to practitioners from all over the world, connected with my body (and actually came to love it) and found a whole community of women online who felt just like I did.

Eventually, I found the info and treatment I needed to heal. My weight started dropping, my cycle became regular, my acne cleared up, my moods stabilised and I conceived my son (and I now have a daughter as well, both conceived as soon as we began trying).

Healing my PCOS and boosting my fertility wasn’t about luck and it wasn’t because of some magical person who had some mystical “answer” to PCOS. I had built a knowledge base, learnt things that our doctors weren’t telling us, used that information to beeline my way to the treatment that would work for MY body and created tools that should have existed for us already. And I knew our PCOS community deserved better.

So I’ve been sharing everything I learnt and the ways I’ve approached my PCOS and fertility, ever since. And it turned out you guys needed this info and these tools just as much as I did!

Over the past 3 years, through my books, guides, podcast and social media, I have helped 1000’s of women achieve their goals like balancing their hormones, regulating their cycles and even conceiving their rainbow babies.

From the awful experience of miscarrying my first baby, my life has taken on new purpose and I’m SO grateful for that.

And I’m now ready to take my service to this community to the next level – through one on one and group fertility coaching.

I am SO passionate about helping people with PCOS, but helping people to improve their PCOS fertility is where my heart truly lies.

If you think you would like to work with me,
please join my wait list below…

